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Euro Finans AB

10 occasions when a fast business loan may be a smart move

As owner of the business, it’s up to you to decide whether a business loan is the correct solution for you just now. Borrowed money may be the smartest way to make an important investment quickly or...

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Euro Finans AB

10 tips to strengthen the company’s liquidity

A company’s liquidity shows how much money there is available to pay, for example, wages, taxes and accounts receivable. How much will be received and how much will be paid out. Insufficient liquid...

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Euro Finans AB

Things to bear in mind before taking out a business loan

The goal of a company is to run a profitable business. This profit can then be re-invested, saved as a buffer for leaner days, or used to pay dividends to shareholders. It is typically a good idea to...

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Euro Finans AB

Prepare your business for tougher times

Business has been smooth sailing for a few years in a world with low interest rates and constant growth. The pandemic brought the first major shock in a long time. Soon thereafter, war broke out in...

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Euro Finans AB

Business loans to small-sized enterprises. Read this!

Most owners of small businesses have the experience sooner or later that there is too little money in the company account. Sometimes, this is an indication that all is not well with the business, but...

Karriar Euro Finans image

Euro Finans AB

Interview with Filip

Filip is a lawyer at Euro Finans and when he was recruited, he promised himself that if he couldn’t see himself working for the organization in two years’ time, he would have to do something about...